Rotterdam Impact Coalition
Voor Goed is a joint initiative of the Municipality of Rotterdam and Rotterdam Partners. It is set up as an autonomous organization that builds an ecosystem for a social and impactful economy.
In Dutch, Voor Goed means “For Good” or “Forever” as the goals that we aspire to achieve will change our city and its ecosystem forevermore.
Together with Social Impact Fund Rotterdam, Thrive Institute and the municipality, we form the Rotterdam Impact Coalition (RIC)
About Voor Goed
“Although our city is doing well in a number of economic areas, there are still many people who do not benefit from this. One in four children in our city lives in poverty and one in nine adults is unemployed. If we are to reduce these numbers, there is a need for collaboration with more parties in our city, and I am therefore very pleased by the announcement of the foundation of Voor Goed,” alderwoman Barbara Kathmann (Economy) said at the launch in July 2019.
Voor Goed plays an important role in the forging of new coalitions and the realization of new solutions for the social issues that have faced Rotterdam for too long. It generates and fosters a willingness to pull together and contribute to projects that will benefit the city and all its residents.
Voor Goed works on achieving the following goals:
- Assess the playing field; the needs, opportunities, obstacles, threats and challenges to scale social economy in Rotterdam.
- Co-create a new creative approach to social challenges in collaboration with the municipality and other stakeholders.
- Cooperate with stakeholders to help SE’s develop into sound businesses and support the generation of investment in these enterprises.
- Improve the match in supply and demand, in funds, knowledge and purchasing.
- Attract SE’s and impact investors to Rotterdam
- Facilitate a dialogue with corporate businesses and SME’s on ‘doing good’ in the city.
- Look for synergies with private capital funds in delivering on social impact.

Contact us!
We are looking forward to collaborating with you
Carolien van Wersch - Director Voor Goed
Jesse Terpstra - Communitymanager social entrepreneurs

About the Rotterdam Impact Coalition
The RIC is all about place based impact investing.
This partnership of Voor Goed, Social Impact Fund Rotterdam, Thrive Institute and the municipality provides a unique model to accelerate business development, networking, funding, research and education within the domain of impact entrepreneurship. We like to call this the "Rotterdam Method", the most unified place-based impact initiative in the world.
As the movement for a more socially and environmentally conscious economy grows, we think globally but act locally to generate an impactful change within our city. We support initiatives that accelerate participation, inclusion and the eradication of poverty. There is a lot to be gained from the experience and knowledge of the impact pioneers that Rotterdam is known for.
In developing this Rotterdam Method, the Rotterdam Impact Coalition will lead the systematic shift that is needed to make the same improvements to the economy of the Netherlands, and hopefully with it, the rest of Europe and the world.
Together, we’re an engine for change.

RIR Connector's Event 2023
Rotterdam Impact Raad
In order to collaborate with the whole city, we initiated the Rotterdam Impact Raad, an unique advisory board with representatives of the main stakeholders in the city; the municipality, corporates, funds, impact entrepreneurs, hubs, research institutes and change-makers. The board supports the work of Voor Goed with knowledge, resources, advice and action, all on a voluntary basis.
This board is our gift to the city, and in a way, it will be our legacy.